Future Foundation Builders
Secure Your Future — Build a Strong Family — Experience Real Faith  

Introduction: Your Future

Buy A Lasting Legacy Book Here at Half-Price!
Your 2nd Half:  Making It Count!
Family Life:  How Strong Is Your Family Life?

The Following Topics Are Covered in A Lasting Legacy regarding YOUR FUTURE:

  • Epic Times Require Epic Measures: Change
  • The Future is Now: Motivation / Inspiration
  • Milestone Markers: Passing the Baton
  • Generational Gaps and Genetics—Understand and Deal with Generational Differences
  • Generations of Contrast—How to Think and Act Generationally
  • What Should I Do With the Rest of My Life?
  • Living A Significant and Purposeful Life! Your Second Half
  • Planning Your Retirement / Second Half : Never Too Late, Never Too Early
  • Your Second-Half Potential: A Buffet of Options
  • The Seasons of Life
  • Your Health: Investing in You!
  • Overcoming Fear, Failure, and Regret: Live a Future-Focused Life
  • Life by Design: Climbing Your Life Ladder
  • Your Life Mission—Be a History Maker
  • Your Dream Plan/Bucket List—Live Large!
  • Your Purpose Plan—Change Your World
  • Life-Guiding Principles—The Rudder of Life
  • Life-Guiding Wisdom
  • Purposeful and Easy Goal Setting: Your GPS For Life
  • A Legacy of Hope: Dealing with Stress and Overload
  • Living in the Valley/Peace for Your Future: Overcoming Trails and Worry

As you sat through those monotonous high school and college classes with biology beakers, trigonometry tables, or chemistry chaos did you wonder how those courses would benefit you outside the walls of the classroom?  As you clawed and scratched to earn enough money to pay the bills and get to the next paycheck, how often did you think and plan for ten or twenty years down the road?  As you climbed the career ladder or embarked on the pursuit of success, how well were you being prepared for your future and your children’s future?  How many classes did you take on marriage, staying out of debt, raising a family, or preparing for retirement? If you are typical, very few. 

Did your parents sit you down and share the finer points of how to live a purposeful life, how to turn your dreams into reality or how to choose a college? Did they share with you how long it took them to pay off their house or have a good talk with them about some of the parenting mistakes they made so you could avoid the same?  Did a professor or Sunday school teacher instruct you how to make great family memories, build a strong family, choose the best college for your kids, or how to live a secure, purposeful life?

If your answer is no to most of those questions, be encouraged—you are normal.  Most of us are ill prepared to leave a Lasting Legacy.  The starting place must be to change your mindset.  Are you ready to change?  Why should you change?

I have heard it said that people change because of either inspiration or desperation.1 Either way, making changes will take some perspiration and motivation by you.  Inspiration, desperation, perspiration, and motivation!  Do you have any motivation to make some changes?  Are you ready to roll up your sleeves and perspire? How desperate are you?  What do you need to inspire you?

Read Psalm 144:4 and James 4:13–15.

1 Motivated by Facebook post of Bill Scott,  May 2011.


Many tools to help you are available in A Lasting Legacy.


Future Foundation Builders
P.O. Box 3764
McKinney, TX  75069
E-Mail: doug@futurefoundationbuilders.com


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